Balance and Harmony
Life seems to be getting busier and busier by the minute which can make life more overwhelming which makes balancing it all a particular challenge. Juggling clients, family, social activities, etc. can leave us feeling as if we can never accomplish it all. When our lives are imbalanced, we often feel overwhelmed, angry, anxious, depressed, disorganized, or unfulfilled. Our homes or cars may be cluttered, or it may be the extreme opposite, and nothing can ever be out of place. Weight gain, fatigue and illness are often common when our lives are out of balance. We may attempt to please everyone and over-commit ourselves.
When we are intentionally creating balance in our lives, we are able to process and release emotions in a healthy way. We experience harmony in our thought and emotional life. We are able to achieve our goals and manifest the things we desire in our lives. We set healthy boundaries and ensure we take care of ourselves first. We live lives that are congruent and in alignment with our goals and purpose.
Many times, we tell ourselves when things settle down or when the kids get older, we’ll find that balance and harmony that we crave. I know I told myself that for years. The truth is, we don’t just happen upon it, balance must be intentionally created. For me, this was an empowering revelation because it meant I could actually create the life I wanted to live. Balance is a continuous, individual, daily (sometimes moment-to-moment) journey. Depending on the lifestyle and the season of life we are in will determine the steps that are taken towards balance. Balance and harmony must be intentionally created in our lives though.
Now I know you’re saying how do I do that? First you will want to clearly and specifically define how you want balance and harmony in your life to look. Take some time and be as detailed and specific as possible. Next, you will want to evaluate which areas of your life (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual) are in balance and which are out of balance. If your mental life is not balanced, you may experience negative racing thoughts, have difficulty focusing, or struggle to choose effective actions. If the trouble is in your emotional life you may notice mood swings, depression, unhealthy relationships, or trigger responses. Typically, problems in the physical will show up as instability, weight gain, or exhaustion/fatigue. Lack of balance in your spiritual life may cause you to feel unfulfilled or search for purpose in your life. Most of us will have more than one area that needs attention. Once you’ve identified the areas you would like to improve, you can start focusing your attention on the steps you can take that will move you towards balance. Create an action plan which includes specific steps you can take each day. At first this may seem a bit overwhelming or difficult but as you continue to make adjustments you will see the desired results. If you are finding this to be too much on your own, reach for help from a coach, a friend, or someone you trust to provide the support you need. Afterall, you deserve to live a balanced and harmonious life.