Thriving During Uncertainty
We are in the midst of an unpredictable and unprecedented time which can cause uncertainty, fear, and anxiety. Our brains are wired to keep us safe and one of the ways this is done is by predictability. We are all asking questions like how long will this last? Why is this happening? What is going to be the long-term effect? Will I be able to pay my bills? The fact that we have so many questions with no answers can be overwhelming and can leave you feeling fearful and powerless. The impact of COVID-19 is definitely affecting us all, from the adults who are trying to keep their families safe to the high school and college seniors who are fretful about graduation plans after all of the hard work they’ve put in. When its all said and done, we all have a lot of uncertainty in our lives right now and there is not much that can be done to change that. The good news is that we still have many things we can focus on that will empower us and calm the fear and unsettledness.
The first thing we need to remember is that self-care should be at the top of our list because we can not pour from an empty cup. Self-care is the practice of nurturing, replenishing, and strengthening our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual selves FIRST! Meeting your self-care needs may look quite different right now but its important to ask yourself what you need in this moment. I have found that in some moments just taking slow, deep breaths have helped me reconnect and replenish myself. It may be reaching out to friends or family members for some sort of connection or it may be that you are in the house with a lot of people and you just need to find a quiet moment to spend by yourself. Whatever it is, you don’t need permission to take the steps to give yourself what you need to maintain your strength and to nurture yourself.
We also need to remind ourselves that this won’t last forever so let’s find ways to take advantage of the extra time we have inside. Many of us are always on the go and have neglected some things at home or even sleeping. I’m using this extra time to declutter and get some much-needed spring cleaning done while slipping in naps that I ordinarily would not be able to take. I’ve gone outside daily to take a walk or to just breathe in the fresh air. My family and I have had more conversations and we are not rushing around to get to all of the activities and commitments that are always on the calendar. I spent more time journaling, playing games and reconnecting with myself and with the people I live with.
Lastly, I encourage you to audit the information you are taking in. I know it can feel compulsory to want to get the latest update on the situation and many are glued to news sources or social media to stay up to date but check in and ask yourself how this information is causing you to feel. Being aware and informed is great but don’t allow this to be all encompassing because there are still other important things going on too. Just a reminder that many of us set goals, intentions, or resolutions just a few months ago. Have you taken some time to review them and see what you could accomplish while you have some extra time?